

Bible School - 9:45am

Morning Worship - 10:45am

Afternoon (4th Sunday) - 4:00pm


Prayer Meeting - 6:45pm

25 Gaul Road, Sinking Spring, PA 19608            610.670.1191      


Together, as one in Christ, to reach men, women, boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to train them to Biblically serve Him to His glory.

We, being born-again and Bible believing Christians by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; believing the Bible to be the divinely inspired and authoritative Word of God and sole authority for all Christian Faith and practice; accepting the historic Baptist distinctives in the interests of growth in grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ through worship and work; fulfilling our responsibilities to propagate the Word of God both at home and abroad; contending earnestly for the faith (Jude 1:3); and doing "all things ... decently and in order" (I Corinthians 14:40); do, therefore, band ourselves together as a body of immersed believers in Jesus Christ.

The purpose of this church shall be to glorify God and accomplish His will through: the promotion of spiritual worship (II Timothy 4:1-5); the teaching and preaching of God's Word for the spiritual edification of the saints (I Timothy 4:1-5; Matthew 28:19,20); the evangelism of the lost (Matthew 28:19,20; II Timothy 4:5); the administration of the ordinances (Matthew 28:29; I Corinthians 11:23-26); the defense of the faith (Hebrews 10:23; Jude 1:3); and the promotion of spiritual fellowship through the uniting of believers in the local church (Hebrews 10:24,25; I John 1:3).

We believe the Bible is the verbal, plenary inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God, consisting of 66 books, and is the sole authority for our faith & practice.We believe in one God existing in three co-equal persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe in the virgin birth, sinless life, substitutionary death, and bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is coming to rapture His Church prior to the tribulation, and will then come with His Church at its end to establish His 1000-year reign upon the earth.

We believe in the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit, who is active in ministry today in the salvation of the lost, and the sanctification of the saved.

We believe in Satan as a real, personal being who is at work with his demons in the world today. He will eventually be cast into the Lake of Fire.

​We believe that God created everything in 6 literal days. Man soon disobeyed God, and fell. Man is totally incapable of saving himself from this condition, but must put his trust in the work of Christ, Who died on the cross of Calvary for our sins. Thus, we believe in salvation by grace through faith alone (Ephesians 2:8,9). Such salvation is eternally secure (John 10:28,29).

We believe that believers will forever live in communion with God in His new heavens and new earth, but that unbelievers will forever live separated from God in hell.

​We believe that the local church is the place where God is at work in this dispensation. The local church is an autonomous group of immersed believers, covenanted together for the work of the Lord, practicing the ordinances of baptism and the Lord's Supper, and carrying out the Great Commission of world evangelism.

​We believe in separation from worldliness, and ecclesiastical apostasy. As such, we will have no fellowship with local, state, national, or world councils of churches, nor compromising neo-evangelicalism, nor the pentecostal-charismatic movement, believing their positions to be contrary to the Bible.